Owl Rescue

Hello there fellow bloggers and crafters. To all the mamas out there, how do you find time to do it all? My Mat leave is over and I have decided to work evenings and weekends for the time being. I’m having difficulty leaving my child in the care of strangers on a full time basis. This way, baby girl can be with her daddy and we save the costs of childcare. Sounds good in theory, right ? Well, being a full time mama all day and working all night doesn’t leave me with much time. I’m currently spending all of my spare time planning an owl themed birthday party for my little sweetie. It’s to the point that I’m letting housework slide and I’m seeing owls in my dreams. We are in the process of acquiring a real, live owl for the party! Yup, our local wildlife rescue centre has an over abundance of owls this winter and they should be able to accommodate our request. As long as there is a cash donation of course 😉 Hope for Wildlife does wonderful work! I’m so excited to have a real owl at the party. Sophia just loves owls and owl was one of her very first words!


If you are interested in helping out the owls and other wildlife in our area please follow the link below to make a donation.
